Channel: FragHero
Category: Gaming
Tags: c4 throws in call of dutyinsane call of duty momentsfragcall of duty winsclutch wins warzonesolo wins warzonetop kills call of dutyhow to get better at codwarzone tipswarzone killscall of duty warzone gameplayinsane kills codhow to get better at shooterscall of duty modern warfarestupid wins in call of dutycall of duty gunfighthow to use throwing kniveswarzone winswtfmomentseasy wins codhow to win solo warzonewarzone
Description: This week it's all about that player who always carries their team, gets kills and can win solo in shooters. Whether they play smart with easy kills like C4 throws, taking the enemy by surprise or even turning a helicopter into a live bomb, these clutch wins and plays need celebrating. Look out for Top Frag of the week, a skull-crushing revenge play by Synfullxb. Top Frags is our hero series that highlights you, our players and your epic kills! This week YOU get to choose who's Call of Duty kill was the best, so comment your winner now from the three contenders. Submit your own clips on the website or join our growing FragHeroes army on Facebook here: Which kill would you have chosen to be Top Frag this week? ► SUBSCRIBE: ► ► #howto #callofduty